First Step: Domain Registration
The first step to set up a website is choosing and registering a domain name that isn’t in already taken. The domain name should not already be registered, so use the domain search tool (whois) to check the domain’s free status. You can register one or more domain names from many domain extensions we offer with great prices.

Search for a domain among more than 1000 extensions!

Choose Best Domain Extension
Find the right domain extension now to grab more attention and visitors. New domain extensions let you create an extra-catchy or location-specific name. To find an available domain name, use the domain search tool to check if your website name is ready to be registered or if it’s unavailable.
Transfer Your Domain!
If you already have a domain name, You can transfer either the domain registration or simply update the DNS at your current registrar to point to your Domain hosting account, or both. We would recommend both hosting and maintaining the domain registration with us in order to ensure the optimum support experience. Transfer now!

Find your perfect domain!
A .com domain is usually the most popular choice, but if you find that version of your domain is unavailable, don’t worry. There are lots of other domain extensions (the letters right of the dot) you can register using our automation system for some pretty cool combinations. You can also control your domain settings via dedicated customer panel, Change you DNS records, Get your authorization code, enable/disable domain lock status, etc.
Domain name is the name of our site and consists of following parts:
- Name: (Example: DediData)
- Extension: (Example: com)
We can choose our domain extension based on our activity type - Dot Sign (.): It distinguishes the name and domain extension from each other.
Example: Which DediData is domain name and .com is the extension. More about Domain Name

Tips for picking the perfect domain:
- Choose a short name
- Choose a meaningful name
- Choose a name related to your web site activity subject
- Use a name that is simple to write
- Choose a name that fits your brand
- Keep your name easy to remember
- Register alternative TLDs for brand protection
- Try to choose a name which will not make many typos
- Register common domain misspellings
Domain Registration Notes
- Valid characters in domain names are (a To z), Numbers (0 To 9), Dash sign (-)
- The lower and upper case letters do not differ in the domain
- Using the dash (-) to start or end the domain is not allowed.
- You can choose from 1 to 63 characters for your domain name, but remember, the shorter it is, the more memorable it will be.

Visit Our Domain Registration FAQ
ICANN Registrants Rights and Responsibilities
ICANN Registrants Benefits and Responsibilities Specification