In order to get a website up and running on the web, you’ll need to purchase server space through a web hosting provider. There are a lot of different hosting options out there, so the type of hosting plan you choose will depend on the size, needs, and goals of your website.
So think: what do you ultimately want to accomplish with your website? What are your current content demands and traffic levels? What resources do you need? What features do you want? The answers to these questions can help guide your decision.
Shared Hosting plans are designed to be beginner friendly and are ideal for users who are launching a new website or running several simple websites that don’t generate a lot of traffic. But don’t misunderstand us: these plans are anything but basic. Our Shared Hosting packages offer everything you need to create a powerful online presence right from the start.
No matter your website or level of developer expertise, Shared Hosting is a great place to start.
As a general rule, shared hosting is the best place to start, and our hosting is suitable for almost any kind of website. Our hosting helps you to keep the costs down during the early days of your website while allowing you to pay only for the resources that you need. If your website starts to take off, you can easily upgrade to higher tier plan and pick up some extra resources. Ultimately, every website is different. If you’re not sure, why not get in touch with our team so we can chat it through with you and make a personalized suggestion based on your needs?